Sunday, 27 June 2021

Contoh Teks Argumentative Writing

Argumentative writing


Brainstorming Using T chart


Support/ pro



Cheaper stuff

Item damaged in delivery


Shop more without hassle because the goods delivered to your home address

Not according to order / wrong sending


Quality and warranty guaranteed

Longer delivery


The Positive impact of using Online shop

Do you know many of our residents use the online shopping system to complete their daily life?. Online shopping (online shopping) is activity from seller and customer to sell the product with online system. Other names for these activities are: e-web-shop, e-shop, e-shop, internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online shop, online shop and virtual shop. Now online shopping has become one of the modern people's lifestyles because it is very easy and attractive. This topic will discussed about many positive impacts from online shopping.

In online shopping there must be a positive impact on negative funds. to be positive, among others, as follows. First, Cheaper stuff , Many online sellers are first hand or second hand. If the seller at the grocery store may be fourth hand or fifth hand. Usually the flow is: Factory -> Distributor -> Wholesaler -> Small Trader. Online distributors or even factories can sell directly to consumers so that the chain is reduced. Second, Shop more without hassle because the goods delivered to your home address, sometimes we really experience the hassle of offline shopping because of the large number of groceries that are carried. but since there is online shopping, we only need to order luggage via an online shopping application and no matter how much shopping will be delivered to the buyer's address. The last , Quality and warranty guaranteed. for online shopping, the quality and product warranty is guaranteed as long as there is a warranty period because many items are defective / inaccurate in packaging.

In conclusion, Online shopping (online shop) is the process of purchasing goods / services by consumers to realtime sellers, without servants, and via the internet. You don't need to meet the seller / buyer directly, you don't need to find the form of a 'market' physically, but only by facing a computer monitor screen, with an internet connection connected, you can make buying / selling transactions quickly and comfortably. However, people who are only seen in the picture are still not enough before they see it and touch it directly. Some people think, if you only look at the picture, and just think about its shape, it could be that the items purchased do not match our expectations or our imaginations.



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